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Rain Chamber IPX 7/8

Corrosion and Ingress Chambers

After extensive market research TTS are proud to offer the comprehensive range of Sanwood Environmental Chambers and Corrosion & Ingress Chambers to the UK market. Sanwood are one of China's biggest chamber manufacturers and are set to become a global name in this competitive market place.
Rain Chmber IPX 7 8
Rain Chmber IPX 7 8
This rain chamber can test product rated as IPX 7 or 8. It is simple to set-up and run using the intuitive controller.

IPX-7 Protected against water immersion - Immersion for 30 minutes at a depth of 1 meter.

IPX-8 Protected against water submersion - The equipment is suitable for continual submersion in water under conditions which are identified by the manufacturer.

Rain Chmber IPX 7 8
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