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Tailored Test Solutions Ltd
Grips and Fixtures for Materials testing
TTS can offer new grips and fixtures to suit any test application and are designed to fit most OEM machines. All our grips and fixtures are manufactured here in the UK to the most exacting specifications.
Our grips are supplied and priced as a pair and include a standard set of jaws, exceptions are fixtures such as bending jigs, friction testing etc where the upper part is completely different from the bottom. All grips and fixtures come complete and ready to use and are adapted to suit your particular testing machine. Due to the large quantity of different testing machines in the market we keep our grips as piece parts and assemble to order.
Our grips are significantly more cost effective than OEM grips and but made to equally high standards.
If there's one test that really needs a firm grip, it's a peel test or friction test for adhesive bonds! Our grips are precision-engineered for a firm and consistent grip on all types of materials, including tapes and adhesives, rubbers, films, packaging and any two bonded adherents that might be tempted to part company.
Our peel test jigs enable testing for crucial behaviors at either 90 or 180 degrees, including shearing, peak peel load, and peel strength variability. They enable you to test your materials to the relevant ASTM, ISO, CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standard with consistency and accuracy.
ST14 German Wheel Test
This fixture conforms to DIN 53357 and is used to test the adhesive peel strength of tapes and foils at 90 degrees to a surface. The adhesive backed sample is wrapped around the wheel which is mounted to the fixed crosshead of the machine.

ST16/1 Friction Test
Designed to measure the coefficient of friction (ASTM D1894-99) between two pieces of film at a constant speed with a fixed pressure between the surfaces. The jig consists of a long flat bed and a sled. The sled is moved along the bed by the testing machine.

ST16/2 Friction Test
Designed to measure the coefficient of friction (BS2782 part 8) between two pieces of film, or other samples and substrates, at a constant speed with a fixed pressure between the surfaces. The jig consists of a long flat bed and a sled. The sled is moved along the bed by the testing machine.

ST17 90 degree Peel
The jig consists of table mounted on virtually frictionless rollers. The sample is adhered to the table and one end clamped in the vice. The vice is connected to the load cell and moving cross head of the machine. As the machine cross head moves up the sample is peeled off the table. The 90 degree angle is maintained as the table moves across on it’s rollers.

ST74 180 degree Peel
A 180° peel test to ASTM 1000/BS3887. The test consists of peeling the tape from a polished stainless steel plate of specified length and averaging the force required. Plates for both tests are supplied with the grip.