Test Solutions
test services climatic chambers environmental chambers durability testing climatic testing vibration testing data acquisition test consultancy tensile test machines Lloyd LRX Instron MTS Sanwood Salt spray chamber rain chamber tts tts tts strain gauging vibration testing shaker testing durability testing mechanical testing salt spry HAST chamber 3D printing Test 3D Print 3d PLA ABS how to test 3d printed parts mechanical testing of 3d parts additive manufacturing Lloyd EZ50 500kN WCAC Testing Water charge air testingLDS V721 shaker ozone calibration
Tailored Test Solutions Ltd
TTS can now offer traceable calibration for a number of metrics including force, displacement, strain gauged parts, voltage, etc.
We have supplied a number of Ozone chambers to companies in the UK and we now have specialist equipment to carry out Ozone calibration.
NPL traceable force calibration up to 50kN can be completed on our Instron machine. This is calibrated to UKAS standards and can be used for both traceable force and displacement sensor calibrations. We also use this for the calibration of strain gauged parts.
We can complete force calibrations in tension and compression or a complete thru zero calibration.
Force calibration starts from as little as £125